Narrow Gate
A Walk Along the Narrow Path


About Abba YHVH

About The Author

His Desire Our Choice

Our Walk

Precept Upon Precept

Responding to His Love

His Name

Our Spiritual Homecoming


Standing By and For My Creator

Why is He so Hard to Believe

Our Reasonable Service

Whom Do You Follow

Does He Know You

Has This Man Changed

Does The Torah Apply to You

Torah Equals Love

Its That Simple

The Truth

The Reign of the Heavens

Judgment Accountability Correction

The Flesh VS The Spirit

Questions and Answers

Holy or Set Apart

Do You Know What Day It Is

Some Guidance for Our Journey

A Discussion Older Than Time Itself

So You Wanted to be Deity!

Your Choice

The Company of Men

Voices Voices All Around

The Faith Once Delivered to Israel

"I, I am YHVH and besides Me there is no Saviour!"

Seeing Clearly

The Greatest Gift

The Beginning of Wisdom

Did Someone Call Me - Again?

When We Speak

Does Anyone Still Care?

Day of Atonement

The Mark of YHVH


In the beginning, Abba YHVH created the heavens and the earth. In the beginning.  Stop and think about this statement for a moment.  What is the word beginning referring to?  The beginning of what?  Certainly the beginning of creation as we know it in the flesh, of those things that we can see, hear, touch, taste and smell.  But the flesh profits nothing, so there must be more to this matter than first meets the eye. What was the purpose of this creation? What existed before this, before the “In the beginning”?


Abba YHVH, I am that which I am, the Aleph and the Taw most certainly existed because He spoke all into existence.   But what else existed before “In the beginning”? Who was He speaking with in Bereshit 1:26-27 when He said


And YHVH Elohim said, “Let Us make man in Our image, according to Our likeness…”  And YHVH Elohim created the man in his image, in the image of elohim He created him – male and female He created them.


Lest you somehow think that Abba YHVH was speaking to Himself, remember that Scripture assures us that He is one, not a twinity or trinity. 


The Creator of the Universe, Abba YHVH, was speaking with us - elohim (messengers/angels) - and He created elohim in his own image and likeness!


Tehillim 82:6-7 I, I said, “You are elohim, and all of you are sons of the Most High.  But as men you die, and fall as one of the heads.”


Yohanan 10:34-35 Yahoshua answered them, “Is it not written in your own Torah, ‘I said, “You are elohim”’? “If He called them elohim, to whom the word of Elohim came – and it is impossible for the Scripture to be broken –“


This then provides the answer to David’s question as He was speaking with Abba YHVH in Tehillim 8:4-5 What is man that You remember Him?  The son of man that You visit him?  Yet You have made him a little less than Elohim, and have crowned him with esteem and splendour.


Man is elohim/angels/spirit, and our flesh is the veil that we live in while walking in this furnace of affliction we

know as the earth!


Man was not created in HIS image and likeness, for if this were so, that would mean that we would all be cast out of Heaven just as the one spoken about in Yeshayahu (Isaiah) 14 and Yehezqel (Ezekiel) 28 was cast out for wanting to be like Him.  Would the Author of Love Himself, who created us out of His love for the sole purpose of responding to His love with our love do so just to cast us out of His Presence for eternity?  I think not!


Man was created in the image and likeness of the elohim/angel that he was before Bereshit!


Out of Abba YHVH’s love, He created elohim/angels for the sole purpose of responding to His love with our love.  And when He created elohim, He created us with the ability to make choices, or what some would call free will.  He did not impose His love on us, nor did He create elohim so that we were “forced” to love Him.  How we respond to His love has always been our choice.  His desire is that all elohim He created would respond to His love with our love, for He desires none of us to perish.  He would make this easy for us as well, sharing with us how He wants us to respond to His love with our love, therefore removing any confusion that might arise should we have to determine this response for ourselves.  We would BELIEVE AND FOLLOW HIM, AND ONLY HIM, even though we could not see Him, trusting in the One who loves us like no other possibly can. 


Before there was Israel and the gentiles, there was Abba YHVH and us, the elohim He created out of His love with the ability to respond to His love however we chose.  Just as one of our fellow elohim decided he wanted to be like Him and rebel against His love in order to receive the worship of his fellow elohim, many of his fellow elohim made the choice to join him.  They chose to believe and follow that which they could see, therefore choosing also to rebel against their Creator’s love.  Sin and darkness had entered His Kingdom, and out of His love for those who continued to love Him, Abba YHVH set a plan in motion to cast sin and darkness, and all elohim who chose to follow this path, out of Heaven. 


The earth was created to cast sin and all who chose to follow out of Heaven!


He did not keep this plan a secret from us either.  He spoke the end from the beginning for all to hear!


Where were you when I laid the foundations of the earth?  Declare if you have understanding.  Who set its measurements, if you know?  Or who stretched the line upon it?  Upon what were its foundations sunk?  Or who laid its corner-stone, when the morning stars sang together, and all the sons of Elohim shouted for joy?  Do you know?  For you would have been born then, and the number of your days been many!


Now that we have been reminded of who we are, we can begin to better understand why we are here.


Earth was created for the purpose of casting sin and all who would follow out of Heaven.  How does Abba YHVH plan to accomplish this?




We are placed in this furnace of affliction while wearing the veil of the flesh, given into the hand of the enemy of love for a time so that he may have his way with us.  As we choose how to respond to the teasing, taunting, temptation and persecution of the enemy of love, the ruler of the flesh, we get to see that which our Creator already knows – what is in our heart.  Will we follow Him, coming to him in Spirit and in Truth, or will we follow after the flesh that we can see, rebelling against the very One whom created us out of His love?  For those of us that have chosen to return to our first estate, the love that is in our heart/spirit will serve as a witness as to whom we belong, who our Father is.  It is this same love that those who have chosen to follow after the flesh judge themselves against.


Lest one stand face to Face with Abba YHVH and accuse Him of asking us to do something that He would/could not do Himself, Abba YHVH left His Throne of Grace and put on the flesh for us, walking amongst us, enduring the same teasing, taunting, temptation and persecution that we did, even to the point of the death of His flesh, although at a level so much higher than we can even begin to imagine, so intense that He was actually sweating blood in the Garden of Gethsemane before being delivered into the hands of His murderers, for to fail in the face of this testing would mean that the enemy would be victorious, assuming the Throne of Grace that Abba left to be with us in the flesh.




The Son – flesh and blood - showed His love for the Father – Spirit - by submitting Himself in complete obedience to the Father, even to the point of death. Abba YHVH created Himself in the same form He created us, He walked among us, was tried as we are tried, and overcame the flesh by relying on His Spirit. Abba YHVH PERSONALLY showed us in the flesh how He wants us to show our love for Him with our time here in the flesh.


This also brings completeness to the meaning that all shall be without excuse, for who hath endured that which He endured, in the manner that He endured it?  Surely no man that has ever walked the face of the earth!


We have now been reminded of who we are and what our purpose is on this earth.


This now brings us to our current point in HisStory, where after 6,000+ years of chances to choose whom we will serve, the wrong will do more wrong and the filthy will be more filthy.  The righteous will be more righteous and the set-apart will be more set-apart.  Our Father Abba YHVH continues to make Himself and His desires known as He searches the farthest parts under the heavens calling out to His children, those who have chosen to enter in through the narrow gate, to bring each and every one of us back to Him. 


For those who have chosen to enter in through the wide gate, His love will serve as one final reminder of His desire that none of us shall perish, therefore once again leaving those who have chosen this path without excuse.  They will receive the desires of their heart as well, and will go to spend eternity with their father.


Those of us who have chosen to make His desire our desire, therefore responding to His love with our love, will reign with Him in His Seventh Day Shabbat that started a few years ago.  Abba YHVH is currently in the process of cleaning up the mess that the ruler of this world and all who have chosen to follow have made this past 6,000 years.   We will soon get to experience life on earth, in the New Yerushalayim, free from the lies, deception and influence of the enemy, who has been locked up in the pit of the deep for this Seventh Day.


For those that have chosen otherwise, the books are open and the time of accountability is at hand.  Having chosen to reject the very One that created them out of His love, the One who showed them how to respond to His love with their love for the past 6,000 years, having even spoken the end from the beginning for all to hear, they now stand face to Face with Abba YHVH, being without excuse, with nowhere to hide.  They have mocked Him and tried to make Him a liar, somehow thinking that once spoken, His word will never change, except as it applies to them.


Our very existence has always been about LOVE, from that moment before time that Abba YHVH created us out of His love straight on through to eternity.  We will respond to His love with our love, or we will judge ourselves against His love as shown to us by Abba YHVH and all that choose to follow Him.


Peace and Love in the Name of YHVH



August 2, 2008
A Discussion Older Than Time Itself
Do You Remember? For You Would Have Been There!