Narrow Gate
A Walk Along the Narrow Path


About Abba YHVH

About The Author

His Desire Our Choice

Our Walk

Precept Upon Precept

Responding to His Love

His Name

Our Spiritual Homecoming


Standing By and For My Creator

Why is He so Hard to Believe

Our Reasonable Service

Whom Do You Follow

Does He Know You

Has This Man Changed

Does The Torah Apply to You

Torah Equals Love

Its That Simple

The Truth

The Reign of the Heavens

Judgment Accountability Correction

The Flesh VS The Spirit

Questions and Answers

Holy or Set Apart

Do You Know What Day It Is

Some Guidance for Our Journey

A Discussion Older Than Time Itself

So You Wanted to be Deity!

Your Choice

The Company of Men

Voices Voices All Around

The Faith Once Delivered to Israel

"I, I am YHVH and besides Me there is no Saviour!"

Seeing Clearly

The Greatest Gift

The Beginning of Wisdom

Did Someone Call Me - Again?

When We Speak

Does Anyone Still Care?

Day of Atonement

The Mark of YHVH


The battle between the flesh and the spirit, whether within a man himself, or between two or more men, that has been playing out since Bereshit (Genesis) is about to come to a close as our Creator, Abba YHVH has spoken in Scripture for all to hear.


Envision with me, if your heart will allow, this battle between the flesh and the spirit taking place in a courtroom.  Our Creator, seated on His Throne, is front and center, where the judge’s bench would be.  In His Hands He is holding open The Book of Life –Torah.  The accuser – the flesh and his advocate s@t%n - are to the left of His Throne.  To the right of His Throne are the spirit and his Advocate, the Spirit.


The proceedings begin by the advocate for the flesh s@t%n, bringing forth the charges against the spirit.  The spirit is charged with the following:


· Hearing and Following his Creator

· Having no other mighty ones against His Face

· Not worshipping carved images and any likeness of false mighty ones

· Loving and Mentioning his Creator’s Name

· Keeping the Sabbath Day

· Respecting his father and mother

· Not murdering

· Not committing adultery

· Not stealing

· Not bearing false witness

· Not coveting his neighbor’s possessions


The advocate for the flesh then proceeds to explain all the damage that the spirit has wrecked on this world:


· Loving all of his fellow man, including his enemies

· Experiencing the Joy of Life More Abundantly and letting his light shine upon all

· Seeking Peace will all men

· Being Patient with all men while awaiting the shout of the best man that the Groom is ready

· Treating all with Kindness, Goodness and Gentleness

· Being Trustworthy in all matters

· Living a life of self-control and not succumbing to the works of the flesh


The Judge, Abba YHVH, turns to the spirit and his Advocate and asks “How do you plead to these accusations?”  The spirit responds as follows:


“Most Gracious and Loving Elohim, Creator of Heaven and Earth, you already know how I plead because you search and know the hearts of all men.”


The Judge then says “This is true.  I do search and know the hearts of all men.  I want you to speak your plea so that your accuser, the flesh and its advocate, can hear you.”


The spirit responds:


“There was a time when I would have had to plead NOT GUILTY to the above charges.  For although I tried to live a righteous and set apart life, my flesh did, among other things, the following:


· Worshipped the sun god and his image

· Mentioned not the Name of my Creator

· Kept not the Sabbath Day

· Respected not my father and mother

· Got angry at my fellow man without cause

· Was jealous of my neighbor’s possessions


As such, my flesh would occasionally engage in the works of the flesh such as:


· Idolatry

· Hatred

· Quarrels

· Jealousies

· Selfish Ambitions

· Envy

· Wild Parties


It was not until my flesh heard Your Name YHVH that my flesh began to become wise and realize a change was needed.  My flesh than followed me to accept Your Invitation to come to Your Throne of Grace naked and alone.  It was at Your Throne of Grace that my flesh repented of its former ways and my flesh and I became one.  My flesh brought to You all of its worldly possessions and turned them over to You.  You then filled me with Your Set Apart Spirit that has led me into all Truth ever since that moment.  You have also returned to me that of my worldly possessions which You need me to have.


As such, I now must plead GUILTY to the charges against me."


The Judge than says to the spirit, “As I have spoken from the beginning, I hold all men accountable for their choices.  They are accountable for whether they chose to follow Me and My Laws and Right Rulings as found in Torah.  To prove to men that this was not grievous and impossible, I came down from My Throne and dwelt among men as one of them, in the flesh.  I was tried by this same accuser that stands before Me today.  I defeated him then by the power of My Word, as found in Torah.  When I was with men in the flesh, I lived Torah perfectly, so that men would have an example to follow while in the flesh, showing all men that My Commands are not grievous and impossible.”


“Therefore, as the flesh profits nothing, I find in favor of this man’s spirit and command that s@t%n turn over this man’s flesh to his spirit immediately so that this man may begin living out his Eternal Reward while on earth!”


“I also command that the advocate that speaks for the flesh, s@t%n, be locked up in the pit of the deep for one thousand years, until his appointed time of release.  After he has served his time in the pit, he will be released for a short while but will then receive his reward for his works, eternal death to be spent in the lake of fire where he will be tortured day and night forever and ever.”


And the Judge, speaking to all men who came to the courtroom in support of the flesh says the following: “And for all men whose names I do not find in the Book of Life, you are without excuse.  For I know the hearts of all men, and I have known what was in your heart from the beginning!  Or have you forgotten that I created you!  You had the same choices as this man whom you accused in My Face this day, yet you chose while in the flesh, knowingly or unknowingly, to follow your father, s@t%n.  Should I continue to have mercy on you as I have for the past 6,000+ years?  Or should I give you My Grace that is reserved only for those that hear and follow Me?  Where were you when I spoke the end from the beginning?  Do you know?  For you would have been born then!”


“Therefore you are sentenced to spend eternity with your father, whose voice you chose to hear and follow!”


“Court is now adjourned!”



April 18, 2008
The Flesh VS The Spirit