Narrow Gate
A Walk Along the Narrow Path


About Abba YHVH

About The Author

His Desire Our Choice

Our Walk

Precept Upon Precept

Responding to His Love

His Name

Our Spiritual Homecoming


Standing By and For My Creator

Why is He so Hard to Believe

Our Reasonable Service

Whom Do You Follow

Does He Know You

Has This Man Changed

Does The Torah Apply to You

Torah Equals Love

Its That Simple

The Truth

The Reign of the Heavens

Judgment Accountability Correction

The Flesh VS The Spirit

Questions and Answers

Holy or Set Apart

Do You Know What Day It Is

Some Guidance for Our Journey

A Discussion Older Than Time Itself

So You Wanted to be Deity!

Your Choice

The Company of Men

Voices Voices All Around

The Faith Once Delivered to Israel

"I, I am YHVH and besides Me there is no Saviour!"

Seeing Clearly

The Greatest Gift

The Beginning of Wisdom

Did Someone Call Me - Again?

When We Speak

Does Anyone Still Care?

Day of Atonement

The Mark of YHVH


Noise – Confusion – Distraction


Where does it come from and what does it hope to accomplish?  Can Truth be found amide all of the noise, confusion and distraction that is created by endless debates of doctrine taking place in the flesh, no matter by what name – Christian, Judaism, Messianic, etc…?  Can Truth be found in that which was apparently spoken for only a select few to hear?  If the Author of Truth himself spoke the end from the beginning for ALL to hear, what is it that was apparently spoken for only a select few to hear and who was it spoken by? 


Does the Creator of the Universe desire a close, interpersonal relationship with ALL of His Creation, with the desire that NONE will perish?  Or, did He change His mind after He spoke these Words, even though He said that “Once spoken, My Words will never change!” and now somehow picks and chooses among His children who gets to be close to Him and who gets to stay at a distance?  If He did change His mind and therefore His Words, is He not a liar? History as told by man from his perspective, or HisStory breathed by its Author, penned by man, for the benefit of those with eyes to see and ears to hear.


Can the Truth and the lie live in the same house?  Is not darkness simply the absence of Light?  What happens when the Light shines on the darkness?


If NO man is good, how can man possibly find Truth apart from His Creator, the only ONE who is good?  Who was sent to lead those among us who are truly seeking Truth into the very Truth we seek?  Was it not the Author of Truth Himself?


Noise – Confusion – Distraction


Love – Truth – Life


What has your heart just heard?


September 17, 2008

Voices Voices All Around!