Narrow Gate
A Walk Along the Narrow Path


About Abba YHVH

About The Author

His Desire Our Choice

Our Walk

Precept Upon Precept

Responding to His Love

His Name

Our Spiritual Homecoming


Standing By and For My Creator

Why is He so Hard to Believe

Our Reasonable Service

Whom Do You Follow

Does He Know You

Has This Man Changed

Does The Torah Apply to You

Torah Equals Love

Its That Simple

The Truth

The Reign of the Heavens

Judgment Accountability Correction

The Flesh VS The Spirit

Questions and Answers

Holy or Set Apart

Do You Know What Day It Is

Some Guidance for Our Journey

A Discussion Older Than Time Itself

So You Wanted to be Deity!

Your Choice

The Company of Men

Voices Voices All Around

The Faith Once Delivered to Israel

"I, I am YHVH and besides Me there is no Saviour!"

Seeing Clearly

The Greatest Gift

The Beginning of Wisdom

Did Someone Call Me - Again?

When We Speak

Does Anyone Still Care?

Day of Atonement

The Mark of YHVH


What comes first, the question or the answer?  In this world, it seems we are overwhelmed with answers to questions we have never even thought to ask.  We are bombarded with information via all sorts of media including radio, television, the internet, newspapers and magazines.  These are but a few of the vehicles that bring an almost infinite number of answers to questions that perhaps we have never really formed ourselves.  Day after day, week after week and year after year of exposure to these unsolicited answers begins to mold our minds to searching for the questions to match up with these answers that continue to come our way.  Considering that the answers are coming from this world, the world of the flesh, it is reasonable to conclude that the questions will thereby be of this world as well, leaving us full of questions of the flesh that we perhaps never thought to ask with answers of the flesh that will lead to the rewards of the flesh.


Regardless of where a question originates, the flesh or the spirit, answers will be of no use to us if we have not yet formed the questions that bring about these answers.  If we receive answers to questions we have not yet developed in our hearts and minds, the most perfect answer will at best lead to confusion and more probably not even be recognized.  We will meet this answer with a blank stare on our face, or depending on our heart, rebellion. This holds true in all areas of our life.  How often have you been perplexed because you provided a child, a spouse, a friend or a co-worker with what you KNOW is the correct answer for the matter at hand, yet they are unable to accept and understand your answer?


In our relationship with Abba YHVH, He does not wish for us to be confused, so He will never bring forth an answer that we have not first formed the proper question for in our hearts.  Some might equate this with Him keeping secrets.  Not so!  It is Abba’s Desire that He can call us friends and share with us the plans He has for us.  Remember, He is our Loving Father, Perfect in all ways.  Therefore, He does not wish for us to be confused by answers that we will not understand that would lead our hearts and minds to begin spinning in circles and therefore take our eyes off the Straight and Narrow Path that He has prepared for all those that know and love Him.


Seeking with our whole heart is what will lead us to begin to ask the questions that will bring us into a relationship with our Creator, and once in this relationship, will draw us as close to Him as our hearts desire.


Remember when we were children, how curious we were about almost everything, always asking our parents questions, and then responding to their Our hearts were pure and humble, and our minds were simple and not filled with the distractions brought about by the information overload of this world.  We awoke each morning full of questions, looking forward with anticipation to another day that would provide the answers that we so longed to hear.


We were unconcerned that we did not have all these answers to begin our day.  We did not arise each morning with the desire to have every moment of our lives planned out to the second, having everything under control.  With our pure and simple heart and mind, we simply let the day lead us where it would and we followed, unbothered by all the little details of this world. 


Have you ever thought about how a child learns?  How is it that a child can grow from a newborn baby, into an infant, then a toddler, and then into a little boy or girl and learn all that is learned in those years without having the information and knowledge that is necessary to do so?  Certainly this child is reliant on his or her parents for this instruction, but what tools does this child have, other than a pure heart and simple mind, to make sense of all this instruction and begin to eventually separate the right from the wrong?


Could this be what our Loving Father means when He instructs us to come to Him as children?  Can we possibly understand the answers that He has prepared for us since before Bereshit if our hearts and minds are filled with the distractions of this world and therefore are unable to even begin to form the necessary questions?  Can we humble our hearts, and wipe out the distractions of our mind, so that we can follow the Perfect Instruction of our Loving Father?  Can we return to the days of our youth when we strived to follow instead of lead?


Is it possible that the Creator of the Universe actually desires a close, interpersonal relationship with us and He gave us all that we needed to respond to His Invitation when we were born into this world?


If this is true, why does it seem so many people today are not asking the questions that will lead to the eternal life that many claim to be searching for?  Perhaps some are caught asleep in Churchianity, following after the traditions of men long dead?  Are some confused into thinking they are living under His Grace, while actually living under His Mercy?  Others perhaps have become so accustomed to life in exile that they wish not to return to their first estate, although the price has been paid and the invitation is now open for them to do so?  Could it be that although the veil we call the flesh speaks one thing, the spirit of that person already knows and is comfortable with whom they have been following? So many possible reasons with only one end that was spoken from the beginning for all to hear.


Questions and Answers.  Our Loving Father, Abba YHVH, is waiting to share His Perfect Answers.  All we must do is search our hearts for the questions.



June 25, 2008

Questions and Answers