Narrow Gate
A Walk Along the Narrow Path


About Abba YHVH

About The Author

His Desire Our Choice

Our Walk

Precept Upon Precept

Responding to His Love

His Name

Our Spiritual Homecoming


Standing By and For My Creator

Why is He so Hard to Believe

Our Reasonable Service

Whom Do You Follow

Does He Know You

Has This Man Changed

Does The Torah Apply to You

Torah Equals Love

Its That Simple

The Truth

The Reign of the Heavens

Judgment Accountability Correction

The Flesh VS The Spirit

Questions and Answers

Holy or Set Apart

Do You Know What Day It Is

Some Guidance for Our Journey

A Discussion Older Than Time Itself

So You Wanted to be Deity!

Your Choice

The Company of Men

Voices Voices All Around

The Faith Once Delivered to Israel

"I, I am YHVH and besides Me there is no Saviour!"

Seeing Clearly

The Greatest Gift

The Beginning of Wisdom

Did Someone Call Me - Again?

When We Speak

Does Anyone Still Care?

Day of Atonement

The Mark of YHVH


Our true self being covered behind this veil we know as the flesh, that being the spirit of the man, it is this same veil that prevents a man from looking past himself and caring enough about his Creator to consider HIS thoughts and feelings.  Caring not to even attempt to learn how to see things from the perspective of the Spirit, one is left attending to his own selfish lusts of the flesh, desiring control over oneself and these same lusts, along with control over one’s fellow man, and thereby exercising control over his Creator as well.  What else can explain people making “rules” of how to act in HIS Presence?  Did He not give us all the loving instructions we need in Torah? Or how about dictating to HIM that HIS Word has changed and is now of no effect, by speaking boldly of that which has been received of man and not of HIM, yet attributing this worthless knowledge to HIM?  How about the continued practice of addressing HIM in whatever manner one deems appropriate in one’s heart, despite the crystal clear instructions given by HIM in Shemoth 3:15?  Has anyone even considered what the reward is for searching to be seen in the eyes of blind men?  And if both the searcher and the rewarder are blind, what then?  Is anyone beginning to get the picture yet?  Does anyone even care anymore?  Or have we forgotten that despite the desires in our heart to seek His Face or hide from same, that it is only HE that searches the hearts of men and gives to each according to their deeds? 




Now then, HE is not asking for perfection in deeds, for having once put on the same worthless flesh that we now inhabit, HE understands the temperature in this furnace of affliction, for it was far greater for HIM than for any other man that has ever lived.  HE is seeking a pure heart, a heart that desires nothing more than to please Abba Father with every breath that we take, this same heart open to and seeking the loving correction that HE so desires to bring to all whom will be His children.  When He says to “walk before ME and be perfect”, Abba YHVH is sharing with us that as long as we are following HIM while pure in heart, we are “perfect” in HIS eyes.  Is there anything more that a child seeks than to been seen as “perfect” in their daddy’s eyes?  Oh how the Words of my Loving Daddy bring peace to my soul!


These are not questions that I require of you an answer, for you are not ultimately accountable to me.  These are questions that are between you and HIM, for our first relationship MUST be with the Author of Love Himself, lest we be left with hearts of stone of which the contents therein that is defined by this world as “love” will grow cold, and is doing so even as we speak. 



July 9, 2009

Does Anyone Still Care?

Caring enough to consider the thoughts and feelings of another is a basic prerequisite in any LOVING relationship, and this is no different in our relationship with our Creator.  To not consider HIM is to effectively dismiss HIM and we will be left to ourselves and our own vile afflictions in this worthless world of the flesh.