Narrow Gate
A Walk Along the Narrow Path


About Abba YHVH

About The Author

His Desire Our Choice

Our Walk

Precept Upon Precept

Responding to His Love

His Name

Our Spiritual Homecoming


Standing By and For My Creator

Why is He so Hard to Believe

Our Reasonable Service

Whom Do You Follow

Does He Know You

Has This Man Changed

Does The Torah Apply to You

Torah Equals Love

Its That Simple

The Truth

The Reign of the Heavens

Judgment Accountability Correction

The Flesh VS The Spirit

Questions and Answers

Holy or Set Apart

Do You Know What Day It Is

Some Guidance for Our Journey

A Discussion Older Than Time Itself

So You Wanted to be Deity!

Your Choice

The Company of Men

Voices Voices All Around

The Faith Once Delivered to Israel

"I, I am YHVH and besides Me there is no Saviour!"

Seeing Clearly

The Greatest Gift

The Beginning of Wisdom

Did Someone Call Me - Again?

When We Speak

Does Anyone Still Care?

Day of Atonement

The Mark of YHVH


For my fellow brothers who are reading this page that love the Truth, you will be reminded of that which you heard long ago which now resides in the heart/spirit of every man, serving as a witness for those caring enough to look there and respond to this Word. 


For those of my fellow brothers that have chosen to love the lie, this very same Word will serve as another witness against you.  You know who you are, professing to be made in His image, somehow believing that you are worthy of standing in His Magnificent Presence to share in His Esteem.  Some of you even believe that you are worthy of sitting on His Throne of Grace, usurping His Power and Might, from the very One who created you out of His love.  Were it not for Him and His love, you would have never existed, have you forgotten?  Were it not for His mercy, you would have been dead in your rebellion long ago.


I am saying nothing that you already do not know, for you were there when He spoke the end from the beginning for all of us to hear.  You simply have chosen to ignore the only Word that once spoken will never change.  Not that you did not believe, for you did.  You simply have chosen not to follow, somehow thinking that He will change His Word as it applies to you.  For Him to do so would be to grant victory to your father, for it is he that began this rebellion against Love and all things good.  For it is him that has been trying to make Abba YHVH a liar from before Bereshit.  He started it, and you chose to follow that which you could see, forsaking your inheritance, selling your birthright, for temporary pleasure.  Temporary you ask?  Yes temporary, for your father and all who have chosen to follow him were given 6 days by His reckoning of time, 6,000 years by man’s reckoning of time, to have your way, to be deity, to rule over that which was so Perfectly Created out of His love.  For before it was turned over to the hands of your father, it was very good – it was Perfect.  Your father placed his seal, his mark of rebellion, the confusion, the lies, the greed, the selfishness in the Garden.  He, and all of you that have chosen to follow him, have not stopped ever since!


You wanted to be deity, and you have gotten your chance over these past 6 days.  Let’s look and see what you have done with it. 


You have shed innocent blood from the beginning, and continue to do so, you have taken His Perfect Word that was given to all so that none, including yourselves, may perish and corrupted it with your abominable names and translations, all designed to turn away as many as possible from their first estate.  You have mixed the very pagan worship that all are commanded not to partake in with your leaven, leaving just enough truth to blind the masses.  The blind leading the blind into the pit.  The works of your hands have built monuments, that when stacked together might reach the heavens and that you now devote your worship to, actually believing that you are capable of something good apart from The Creator of the Universe.


You have chosen to disregard the laws and right-rulings given by the One whom created you, believing that as deity, you somehow know better than the One whom spoke all into existence and sustains this very existence with His Word.  Instead you have setup systems of filth and greed, all to satisfy your fleshy desires.  There is nothing that many of you will not stop at to satisfy these desires, for having believed the lie that you are deity, you believe yourself accountable to no one, not even yourself.  You run reckless over the humble, the meek and the weak, devouring them as you go.  You care not that you are judging yourself as you perpetrate these abominable actions on your fellow brothers, for again, you believe yourself accountable to none.  Should a few of you actually think ahead to the time that you will stand and give your account to Him, you somehow believe that you can continue to mock him as you have these past 6 days, with excuses, confusion and lies, perhaps even thinking that somehow His Word will change just for you.  Or perhaps you are so deep into the lie that you believe you will not even have to stand before Him in this manner, that the darkness that you have chosen to walk in will somehow extinguish the Light.  Despite your best attempts to alter His Word, especially as found in the Messianic Writings, the end still stands.  Those who have endured and have loved the Light will soon spend our final day on this earth with our Father, free from the confusion, lies, greed and works of the flesh of your father and all who chose to follow him.  You have received your reward while here in the flesh, soon you will go to be with those who have also lusted after the rewards of the flesh, to spend eternity apart from the One who created you out of His love.  This was entirely your choice.


Do not think that you have any excuses, for all who choose to follow the lie are without excuse.  Just as He spoke the end from the beginning for all of us to hear, He has spent the past 6 days crying out to an increasingly sick and perverse world, continuing to show His love to all, including those who have continued to trample on and disregard His Word.  What possible excuse can you have when Abba Himself left His Throne of Grace to dwell with us in the flesh, enduring your taunting, your teasing, your temptations, and your persecution, defeating your father in that battle in the wilderness, walking through this furnace of affliction and emerging Perfect, without blemish.  Spending three days and three nights in the heart of the earth, only to rise again to occupy His Throne of Grace.  This victory was accomplished through His love – the very love that you have rejected.  Go ahead if you will and try to debate with Him your knowledge of the Greek manuscripts that you substituted for His Original Word, the very same manuscripts that imply that He is two or three.  He told us He was One from the very beginning and you simply chose to perpetrate this lie to further your selfish gain.  You have setup your system of fleshy worship, lead by men who claim to be “divine”, one who even who claims to be “God on earth”, yet you cannot even follow after these you have appointed to rule over yourselves, rebelling against the very ones who you claim to be following.  The figurehead of your fleshy worship system is the abomination you named after Zeus and refer to this deity as “the Son of God”, pedaling him off to be the second in a series of three beings that most of you admit in the flesh that you cannot even explain or understand, except that it is “divine”.  How true, how true!  Zeus, whom you worship in the flesh, may be the Son of your God, but He is no relation to my Abba!  My Abba is Spirit, and is the same yesterday, today and forever, He was, is and forever will be One, and besides Him there is no savior.  We are not to have any other mighty ones against His face.  Do you think He is unaware of what you have done?  


What is spoken here is the Truth, and the Truth is Love. 


So you wanted to be deity, you got your chance, was it worth it?



August 7, 2008

So You Wanted to be Deity!