Narrow Gate
A Walk Along the Narrow Path


About Abba YHVH

About The Author

His Desire Our Choice

Our Walk

Precept Upon Precept

Responding to His Love

His Name

Our Spiritual Homecoming


Standing By and For My Creator

Why is He so Hard to Believe

Our Reasonable Service

Whom Do You Follow

Does He Know You

Has This Man Changed

Does The Torah Apply to You

Torah Equals Love

Its That Simple

The Truth

The Reign of the Heavens

Judgment Accountability Correction

The Flesh VS The Spirit

Questions and Answers

Holy or Set Apart

Do You Know What Day It Is

Some Guidance for Our Journey

A Discussion Older Than Time Itself

So You Wanted to be Deity!

Your Choice

The Company of Men

Voices Voices All Around

The Faith Once Delivered to Israel

"I, I am YHVH and besides Me there is no Saviour!"

Seeing Clearly

The Greatest Gift

The Beginning of Wisdom

Did Someone Call Me - Again?

When We Speak

Does Anyone Still Care?

Day of Atonement

The Mark of YHVH


Scripture as spoken by its Author, WHOSE NAME FOREVER IS YHVH, and penned by His servants the prophets, was perfect in its original form, and remains so today when interpreted by Ruach HaKodesh, its Author Himself.


Within Scripture we are assured that the Beginning of Wisdom is HaShem YHVH, The Name YHVH, and it is only from Him that man receives understanding of the Words spoken before Creation for all elohim to hear and recorded in Scripture as a reminder to all men of that which resides in our heart/spirit.  Men die all day long for lack of Wisdom, which is to say that while they continue to live in their flesh that profits nothing and that will return to the dust from whence it came upon their physical death, they have written their spiritual epitaph by refusing an interpersonal relationship with their Creator on His terms, not theirs, the first of His terms being HIS NAME.  For these cannot even bring themselves to call on Him by Name, the Name above all names and the ONLY Name given to man by which he can be saved.  For how can one truly experience an interpersonal relationship with their Creator without addressing Him by His Name, let alone willingly give themselves as a living sacrifice?


It is only from this interpersonal relationship

with Abba YHVH that man receives

Wisdom and Understanding!


To call on the names of false elohim, by whatever name or names one chooses in their heart to use, will receive that which these false elohim have to give, knowledge and intellect of the fleshy matters, and that leading only to DEATH.  Many who have done so will claim to have received that which they have asked for, and to this I cannot disagree, for having asked for matters of the flesh, for themselves or others, including health, prosperity, etc…, this is what they have received from the one who has been satisfying these lusts for 6,000+ years. 


Perhaps many will dismiss that which is written here as being elementary, or as Scripture calls, “the milk”.  Before doing so, allow me to suggest there is wisdom to be had when considering that one cannot partake of the solid food until he has proven he can drink the milk.  Religion in its many varied forms has fooled most into thinking they are eating the solid food, when in fact it is nothing more than spoiled milk, in the form of knowledge and intellect passed from one man unto the next, that is being ingested.


Every day I see those who continue to refer to Abba YHVH as God or G-d and to this I must ask – Which mighty one are you speaking to, for there are many, and if it were the Mighty One of Israel, He requires you to address Him by His Name, YHVH, as He commands in Shemoth (Exodus) 3:15.  No confusion exists when one is addressing their father as LORD, for LORD is none other than BAAL.  The fate of BAAL, those who prophesy in his name, and those who have chosen to have their ears tickled by his teachings is well documented in Scripture.  As well, confusion is absent when one addresses their messiah as jesus, as this would be none other than Zeus, the Greek Sun God, again, ultimately, Baal one and the same.


I wish not to trouble anyone with these truths, as I know that most people are very sensitive and harbor very strong feelings when it comes to how they address whom they have chosen to worship.  I simply wish to point out that if one has such strong feelings in this matter, imagine how much greater the depth of feeling Abba YHVH must have when it comes to how you address Him.  To begin to get a sense of His feelings, one need look only to Abba YHVH’s own Words as spoken directly by Him in Shemoth 20:


“I am יהוה your Elohim, who brought you out

of the land of Mitsrayim, out of the house of slavery.  You have no other mighty ones against My face.  You do not bring the Name of יהוה to naught, for יהוה does not leave the one unpunished who brings His Name to naught.”



His Name is YHVH, not God, G-d, LORD, jesus, nor anything else.  To refer to Him by one or more of the inventions of men that He considers abominations is to shove foreign mighty ones in HIS FACE, and bring His Name to naught.  Scripture is clear as to the fate of those who willingly choose to do so.


The depths of the Wisdom and Understanding that Abba YHVH will share with those who love Him and keep His commands is endless, limited only by the desire in each man’s heart.  So much more could be said on the matter of Wisdom, yet for one to understand that which would be written requires one to first desire the Key to Wisdom, and if and until such time, these words would not be discernible to eye nor ear.  For Abba YHVH to impart Wisdom to those who have chosen to address Him by the abominable inventions of men is akin to throwing pearls before swine.


How one chooses to address his Creator is an individual choice made in the heart of each man, and a man’s heart never lies.  Abba YHVH has also promised that He will remove the Baals from the mouths of His people in these last days.  By this we will know who we truly serve, whose voice we hear and which path we have chosen to walk.


B’Shem YHVH,


December 18, 2008


The Beginning of Wisdom