Narrow Gate
A Walk Along the Narrow Path


About Abba YHVH

About The Author

His Desire Our Choice

Our Walk

Precept Upon Precept

Responding to His Love

His Name

Our Spiritual Homecoming


Standing By and For My Creator

Why is He so Hard to Believe

Our Reasonable Service

Whom Do You Follow

Does He Know You

Has This Man Changed

Does The Torah Apply to You

Torah Equals Love

Its That Simple

The Truth

The Reign of the Heavens

Judgment Accountability Correction

The Flesh VS The Spirit

Questions and Answers

Holy or Set Apart

Do You Know What Day It Is

Some Guidance for Our Journey

A Discussion Older Than Time Itself

So You Wanted to be Deity!

Your Choice

The Company of Men

Voices Voices All Around

The Faith Once Delivered to Israel

"I, I am YHVH and besides Me there is no Saviour!"

Seeing Clearly

The Greatest Gift

The Beginning of Wisdom

Did Someone Call Me - Again?

When We Speak

Does Anyone Still Care?

Day of Atonement

The Mark of YHVH

Candlelight Scriptures

The closeness of our relationship with Abba YHVH is determined by us, not by Him.  For it is His desire that all of His children hear His Still Small Voice and that He share with each one of us some of the plans that He has for us.


We cannot possibly have a relationship, let alone the close relationship He desires, without addressing Him directly by His Name.  A relationship with the Creator of the Universe cannot be had via a pastor, preacher, bishop or any other religious leader.  Nor can this relationship be had through another believer.  Abba YHVH calls us to come to HIM without all of our worldly possessions – material, relationship, or otherwise.


We certainly can have relationships with fellow believers and non-believers, but these relationships are not to be put between us and Abba YHVH.  They are in addition to our relationship with Him.


When one puts someone else in between themselves and Abba YHVH they are having a relationship with that person, not the Creator.  Therefore, their knowledge of His Word is only as good as the interpretation of the particular religious leader or leaders they are following.  This is being done in most churches today.  The members of the congregation rely on the training and knowledge of the “paid professionals” (modern day Pharisees), some of who are innocently following the teachings they learned while studying for this position, while the vast majority knowing His Truth but not wanting, for various reasons – power, prestige, financial, etc… - to disclose His Truth to their congregations.


Any discussion about Abba YHVH must center on His Word, as spoken by Him, in Scripture.  One of the most common responses to this discussion by those who do not currently have a relationship with Him will be “I have not spent as much time in the Bible as you have”, of “I do not know the Scriptures as well as you do.”  This is directly the result of one’s choice to rely on someone else to deliver His Word to them, instead of spending the time with Him in His Word themselves. 


For those who’s hearts are truly seeking a close, interpersonal and intimate relationship with Him, what else could be more important than spending time with Him in His Word?  It is through hearing His Word, and seeing its unfailing perfection as we walk through the Scriptures with Him, that we develop our faith.


This faith will reveal that the Creator of the Universe is not a liar and doesn’t change His mind whenever it suites Him.  This in turn allows us to believe as He has promised, that not one Word, or even the slightest part of one Word will ever change.  With this wisdom, He can then begin to share with us, and we can then boldly walk forward into, whatever plans He has for us.


This is our reasonable service to Him who has given His All for us.


These latter days provide His children one last opportunity to take Him up on His Promise to send His Set Apart Spirit to guide us into all Truth.  The time is NOW to take Him up on His Promise and study His Word with Him, leaving behind the reliance on man-made doctrines and misleading, however innocent, interpretations that flood our world today!



February 2008
Our Reasonable Service