After Abba
YHVH has revealed His Name to us,
we are one small step away from our spiritual homecoming.
Once this step is taken, our close, interpersonal and
intimate relationship with our Creator really begins.
Our relationship with this world and its matters of the flesh
We must repent of our sinful ways and go to His Throne of Grace,
naked (spiritually) and alone.
It is not enough to just ask for forgiveness, we must repent
– turn away from – our sins.
We should leave all baggage behind because anything we bring
will just get between Him and us.
At first glance, this seems to be an almost impossible task.
Mattithyahu 19:26 …”With men this is
impossible, but with Elohim all is possible.”
This is why we must turn all we have and are over to
Him, so that He can return to us what He knows we will need.
This does not mean that we should give away all of our
material goods such as our house, car, television, etc. Nor does
this mean that we should forsake our family and friends, or quit our
job. We are commanded to
simply turn all of these possessions over to Him and allow Him to
return what we he knows we will need.
Therefore, His Desires become our desires.
He can then fulfill His promise as found throughout Scripture
including 1 Yohanan 5:14-15 And this is the
boldness that we have in Him, that if we ask according to His
Desire, He hears us. And
if we know that He hears us, whatever we ask, we know that we have
the petitions that we have asked of Him.
Once we are emptied of our worldly baggage,
YHVH can then fill us with His Set Apart Spirit that will
guide us into all Truth.
It is His Strength through the Set Apart Spirit that allows us to go
and sin no more.
As we have finally come home to Him, we can now begin to experience
His promise of Life more abundantly
for Abba
our exceedingly great reward!