Narrow Gate
A Walk Along the Narrow Path


About Abba YHVH

About The Author

His Desire Our Choice

Our Walk

Precept Upon Precept

Responding to His Love

His Name

Our Spiritual Homecoming


Standing By and For My Creator

Why is He so Hard to Believe

Our Reasonable Service

Whom Do You Follow

Does He Know You

Has This Man Changed

Does The Torah Apply to You

Torah Equals Love

Its That Simple

The Truth

The Reign of the Heavens

Judgment Accountability Correction

The Flesh VS The Spirit

Questions and Answers

Holy or Set Apart

Do You Know What Day It Is

Some Guidance for Our Journey

A Discussion Older Than Time Itself

So You Wanted to be Deity!

Your Choice

The Company of Men

Voices Voices All Around

The Faith Once Delivered to Israel

"I, I am YHVH and besides Me there is no Saviour!"

Seeing Clearly

The Greatest Gift

The Beginning of Wisdom

Did Someone Call Me - Again?

When We Speak

Does Anyone Still Care?

Day of Atonement

The Mark of YHVH


We cannot initiate a relationship with the Creator of the Universe.  We can only respond to His Love.  He loved us first, therefore we love Him.


We must search our heart to see if we are here for His Good Pleasure, or to simply satisfy our own selfish desires.


When we are wrapped up in our own selfish desires, we are unable to hear Him and learn what He is trying to teach us.  We search in vain for the things of the flesh, all the while missing out on the only thing that will truly satisfy our hearts, Him and His Love.  He tells us in Mattithyahu 6:21 “For where your treasure is, there your heart shall be also.”


We will only find what His Good Pleasure is for us when we do as He commanded in Mattithyahu 6:33 “But seek ye first the reign of Elohim, and His righteousness, and all these matters shall be added to you.”


In responding to His Love, we must do so with a pure heart.  Yirmeyahu 29:13 “And you shall seek Me, and shall find Me, when you search for Me with all of your heart.”


His Love is perfect love.  We in the flesh cannot begin to comprehend the depths and meaning of His Love.  His Love comes with testing, accountability and correction. At times it is a gentle love, at times a tough love.  Those who respond to His Love with love, welcome these things.  Those who respond to His Love with rebellion hate these things.  How we have responded to His Love spiritually from the beginning of time, and how we are currently responding to it now in the flesh will determine where and with whom we will spend eternity!   


Once we have responded to His Love with love, we then need to allow Him to show us His Name.




February 2008
Responding to His Love